Command Sergeant Major Kemberly A. Hines-Fairfax assumed her duties as the State Command Sergeant Major, Delaware, on April 3, 2022. As the State Command Sergeant Major, she is responsible for the professionalism and readiness of the over 1250 enlisted Soldiers of the Delaware Army National Guard as they conduct both federal and state missions.
Military Education and Experience:
Command Sergeant Major Hines-Fairfax began her military career in January 1989 when she enlisted in the Army Reserves. In her first assignment, she served in the 377th Chemical Company, Fort Lee, Virginia until 1992. From 1992 - 1995, she served with the 157th Supply Company in Media, Pennsylvania. She transferred to the Delaware National Guard in 1996 where she continued her professional development and was selected for the position of Intelligence Analyst NCO for the 198th SIG BN. In 1999 she became a Survey Team Member of the 31st Weapons of Mass Destruction-Civil Support Team where she moved up the ranks as Team Chief, Readiness/Recon NCO and ultimately First Sergeant. In 2011 she transferred to 721st Troop Command to serve as Senior Operations NCO. From 2012 through 2015 she was the Active Guard and Reserve Manager. In 2015 she was selected to lead the state as the G1 SR Personnel Operations Sergeant Major. Served as the Commandant and Command Sergeant Major for the 193rd Regional Training Institute from 2019 - 2021. She is currently serving as the State Command Sergeant Major – Delaware.
Her military schooling includes completion of 74D (54B) Fort McClellan, AL; and 96B Fort Devens, MA; PLDC, Fort Indiantown Gap, PA; BNCOC, Fort Leonard wood, MO; ANCOC, Fort Leonard Wood, MO; Civil Support Skills Course, Fort Leonard Wood, MO; Radiation Operations Course, Fort Leonard Wood MO; Technical Escort Course (J5), Redstone Arsenal, AL; Permit Required Confined Space Awareness Course; ARNG Strategic Planning and Management Course; ACOE Examiner Course; FEMA National Incident Management System IS-700; Air Load Planner Course; First Sergeants Course; Graduate of Class 09-12 Sergeants Major Academy and Class 22-03 of the Nominative Leaders Course
Civilian education: Bachelor of Science Degree in Organizational Management and Masters of Science, Human Resource Management from Wilmington University.
Awards And Honors:
Meritorious Service Medal (2); Army Commendation Medal(2OLC); Air Force Commendation Medal; Army Achievement Medal (2OLC), National Defense Service Medal (2), Delaware National Defense Service Ribbon, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal (2), NCO Professional Development Ribbon with numeral 5; Armed Forces Reserve Medal (2), Army Service Ribbon, Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal (4), Overseas Training Ribbon, Delaware Army National Guard Governor’s Meritorious Unit Award, DE Medal for Service in Aid to Civil Authority; DE Physical Fitness Ribbon (11),
Enlisted National Guard Association (EANGUS); Delaware National Guard Enlisted Association; Chemical Corps Regimental Association; American Legion Post 13
Sergeant Major Kemberly A. Hines-Fairfax resides in New Castle, Delaware with her husband of 26 years, Robert Fairfax, Jr. they have one son, Robert Fairfax III.